Revenue Streams

This section is dedicated to the multiple ways parties involved with the Unseen can benefit from the platform:

Unseen’s Revenue Streams:

  1. Battle Pass Price Tag

  2. Exclusive NFT Minting

  3. Character Customization

  4. CryptoRun Organization Fee

  5. Third-party NFT Integration

  6. 2.5% Royalties from Marketplace Transactions

  7. 30% cut from revenue generated through third-party games

Revenue Streams for the User

  1. Revenue Sharing – 30% of Unseen’s total revenue

  2. Trading NFT on the marketplace

  3. Battle Pass ROI

  4. Cryptorun Prize

Revenue Streams for Creators

  1. Monetizing their games. Either through exclusive NFT created for the game, or through a traditional price tag, or both.

  2. Top 4 performing games in terms of engagement reward their creators with up to 10% of Unseen’s total revenue.

Last updated